EDU 804
Advanced Research Methods
School of Education
Department of Educational Administration,
Leadership, and Technology
Dr. Elsa Sofia Morote
First Weekend |
Second Weekend |
Friday- 5:00-9:00 PM |
Friday 5-9:00 PM |
Saturday- 8.30-4.30 PM |
Saturday 8.30-4.30 PM |
Sunday- 8.30-4.30 PM |
Sunday 8.30-4.30 PM |
San Antonio, Texas, 2007-- SITE presentation
Florida, ICSEI, 2005
New Zealand, ICSEI; Las Vegas, Nevada, SITE; Hawaii,
International, One Voice
Long Island, Practical Research Symposium 2006-today
See the success of EDU
9804 Students
Mentors database
Newsletter June 2008
Newsletter Spring 2010
Course description
Research design, data collection and data
analysis/statistical procedures for conducting empirical research in education
and social sciences will be the core of the course. An application of
quantitative methods should be demonstrated by an article publication or
conference participation.
Required Books
Educational Research : Competencies
for Analysis and Applications - Gay, Mills and Airasian
Using SPSS for Windowns and Macintosh
by Green and Salking
A short guide to academic writing.
Andrew Johnson
Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association
Online Support
Online Textbook
Concepts and applications of inferential statistics
readings- Examples of Quantitative Methods
- Writing Empirical Research
Reports- Appendix C
- Writing Empirical Research
Reports- Appendix A
- Encyclopedia of Educational
Research-page 415- Rand Model of the education system
- Doctoral Preparation of
Scientifically Based Education Researchers by Eisenhart and DeHann
- Research writing in education
and Psychology from Planning to Publication - Appendix B
Journals Publications/
Writing the
empirical journal article by Daryl Bem
Research Writing in education and Psychology from Planning to Publication
by Herbert Klausmeeir, Appendix B
to Publish in Scholarly Journals by Klinger et al. Educational
Publish, Don't Perish. Submitting Research Articles to Refereed Journals by
Margot Finn
- Writing Empirical Research Reports: A Basic Guide by Fred Pyrczac, R.
Bruce. Appendix A
- A Short Guide to Academic
Writing by Andrew Johnson, Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, c2003
- Chapters 23 and 21 and 25
- Proposing Empirical
Research, guide to the fundamentals, second edition (what is empirical
research?), (identifying and combining variables)
- Evaluating Research in
Academic Journals by Fred Pyrczac, Appendix D. Checklist of Evaluation
Some of the Articles to Discuss Spring 2011
T-test, Lit
review and ANOVA
MacCann, R., Eastment, B., & Pickering, S. (2002). Responding to Free
Response Examination Questions: Computer versus Pen and Paper.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 33(2), 173-88.
Retrieved from ERIC database.
Jeremy Impelliezzeri
Diane Impagliazo
Pre and
post test and Two way ANOVA
King, K., Vidourek, R., Davis, B., & McClellan, W. (2002). Increasing
Self-Esteem and School Connectedness through a Multidimensional
Mentoring Program. Journal of School Health, 72(7),
294-99. Retrieved from ERIC database.
Georgette Grier-Key
Roger Podell
analysis, multiregression, path analysis
Schommer-Aikins, M., Duell, O., & Hutter, R. (2005). Epistemological
Beliefs, Mathematical Problem-Solving Beliefs, and Academic Performance
of Middle School Students. Elementary School Journal, 105(3),
289. Retrieved from ERIC database.
Jacqueline Witter
Susan Catalano
Taliaferro, L., Rienzo, B., & Donovan, K. (2010).
Relationships between youth sport participation and selected health risk
behaviors from 1999 to 2007
Janet Caruso and
Julia Macchiorolli
Discriminant Analysis
Garcia Falconetti, A. (2009). 2+2 Statewide Articulation Policy, Student
Persistence, and Success in Florida Universities. Community College
Journal of Research and Practice, 33(3-4), 238-255. Retrieved
from ERIC database.
Maria Esposito
Carol Lynn Esposito
Paper for a Conference. As part of
the main assignment of this class, you will be asked to write and send a
paper to a peer-reviewed conference. This activity can be done in teams.
Call for papers:
Electronic Publications
Introduction |
Week |
Sessions |
Materials |
Friday |
Discussion about Collaborative Research Paper |
Data Selection group methods |
Review of “Call for
Electronic Journals |
Full text education journals online
Principles of authorship |
Discussion of topics and strategies for presenting a paper |
http://www.press.umich.edu/jep/- publishing |
Discussion of sections
of a research proposal- How to design a research |
Gall Chapters 3 and 9 |
Dissertations - Data Base- Group Selection |
“Increasing Self-Esteem and School
Connectedness Through a Multidimensional Mentoring Program” by Keith A.
King, Rebecca A. Vidourek, Beth Davis, Warren McClellan. |
Article discussion and presentation.
Two way ANOVA, Pretest and Post test |
Pretest posttest discussion- Pair Samples
T-test Independent Samples
SPSS Lesson 22
SPSS Lesson 23 |
Saturday |
Responding to free response examinations
questions: Computer versus Pen and Paper by Robert MacCann, Benjamin
Eastment and Samantha Pickering
Article Discussion and Presentation: t-test
literature review |
Two-way ANOVA mixed
ANOVA One-way
One way Multivariate Analysis of Variance |
SPSS Lesson 25
SPSS Lesson 24
SPSS Lesson 27
Lunch |
"Epistemological beliefs, mathematical
problem solving beliefs and academic performance of middle school students" |
Article Discussion and Presentation
Introduction to Multiple regression
Variable entry models: Simultaneous,
Statistical Procedure: Multiple Regression
SPSS Lesson 33 |
Path Analysis
Structural Equation Modeling |
SPSS Lesson 35
AMOS basics |
Sunday |
Meditation- work on teams in your research projects |
Topic |
Lab |
Friday |
Taliaferro, L., Rienzo, B., & Donovan, K. (2010).
Relationships between youth sport participation and selected health risk
behaviors from 1999 to 2007 |
Article Discussion and Presentation
Multiregression, logistic regression and path analysis |
Regression and Correlation |
Saturday |
Garcia Falconetti, A. (2009). 2+2 Statewide Articulation Policy, Student
Persistence, and Success in Florida Universities. Community College
Journal of Research and Practice, 33(3-4), 238-255. Retrieved
from ERIC database. |
Article discussion and presentation |
Discriminant Analysis |
Lesson 34 |
Writing your article, finalizing statistical
analysis |
work on your paper |
2.30 PM |
2 pages |
Articles Review - teams |
webquest - peer review |
Sunday |
Mini Conference with Response |
Collaborative Research Paper
You and your team will summarize
the strengths and weaknesses of the studies you find in the topic area you
select. You will write at least two pages with this information. Review
meta-analysis or other information on the subject. This information will be used
for your collaborative research paper.
The goal of the Research Proposal is to
compel you to work collaboratively with at least one other student in the class,
in order to identify a testable research hypothesis of some mutual interest, and
to articulate a set of different methodologies designed to test that
hypothesis. Producing a good research proposal will involve a lot of creative
critical thinking, a lot of discussion between you and your coauthor(s), and
some careful writing.
Submitting the paper
to a peer reviewed conference or a journal
10% |
Presenting an
assigned article on teams and Evaluating
the assigned article using Appendix C of Gall, Gall and Borg
10% |
Activities / Participation
20% |
Collaborative research paper [10% draft, 30%
final document] |
40% |
Peer evaluation |
10% |
presentations of their article draft in PowerPoint
10% |
Quantitative Research Text References
Thomas R. (199). Doing quantitative research in the social sciences: an
integrated approach to research design, measurement and statistics; Sage
Publications, Inc., California
D.T. & Stanley, J.C Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Research.
Cook, T.D. &
Campbell, D.T. Quasi-Experimentation: Design and Analysis Issues for Field
Davitz, J.R.
& Davitz, L.J. A Guide: Evaluating Research Proposals in the Behavioral
Dillman, D.
The Total Design Method.
Donovan, T.,
& Hoover, K. R. (2000). The elements of social scientific thinking (7th ed.).
New York: St. Martin’s Press.
Galvan, J.
(1999). Writing literature reviews. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak
Glesne, C.
(1999). Becoming qualitative researchers: An introduction (2nd ed.). New York:
Addison, Wesley, Longman
Stephen (2001). Quantitative methods in educational research: the role of
numbers made easy; Continuum, New York
Haller, E.
J., & Kleine, P. F. (2001). Using educational research: A school administrator's
guide. New York: Addison, Wesley, Longman
Huck, S. W.,
Cormier, W. H., & Bounds, W. G., Jr. (1995). Reading statistics and research
(2nd ed.). New York: Harper
Burke; Christensen, Larry (2000). Educational research: quantitative and
qualitative approaches; Allyn and Bacon,
Leedy, P.D.
Practical Research: Planning and Design.
Madsen, D.
Successful Dissertations and Theses.
Donna M. (1998). Research methods in education and psychology: integrating
diversity with quantitative and qualitative approaches; Sage Publications, Inc.,
Shadish, W.
R., Cook, T. D., & Campbell, D. T. (2002). Experimental and quasi-experimental
design for generalized causal inference. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
E.L. & Brewer, M.B. (eds.) Handbook of Evaluation Research.
D., et al. Educational Evaluation and Decision Making.
Trochim, W.
M. K. (2001). The research methods knowledge base (2nd ed.). Cincinnati, OH:
Atomic Dog. http://trochim.human.cornell.edu/kb/contents.htm
Warwick, D.R.
& Lininger, C.A. The Sample Survey: Theory and Practice.
Sonia (1979). Quantitative methods and statistics: a guide to social research;
Sage Publications, Inc., California