Dowling College

Course Code: EDU 6698

Course title: Seminar in Educational Technology Research


1. Course Description


 Course description: This course is designed to guide students and to explore research in educational technology, to solve problems related to the implementation of technology in the classroom and to help students plan and participate in collaborative projects that require critical analysis, authoring of lessons, and evaluation of digital based lessons. Students will learn how to use technology to support action research projects in their schools.

Prerequisites: Edu 5611 or 6612, and 6621



2. Course Rationale


This seminar is designed to guide students to explore research in educational technology. Candidates will use computers and other technologies in research, problem solving, and product development. Candidates use a variety of media, presentation, and authoring packages; plan and participate in team and collaborative projects that require critical analysis and evaluation; and present products developed.

Course Outline


Using Technology to Support Research

Research Analysis:

Describe the role of research in the field of Educational Technology (ET).

Selecting a Topic

Writing a Research Paper for a conference:

Co-authoring and Copyright rules

Technology Standards (ISTE)

Current trends in technology that correlate with ISTE, National, State, local technology standards

1)Individual Research Project

a)      Proposal Outline. This proposal will outline your study’s purpose, expected outcomes, and the methods you will be using, including the data your project requires, how you will obtain these data, and the software you will use.

b)      Research Project

Suggested topics:

we submit for your review some recent educational technology research available online, organized in the following categories (see examples of previous research at: PBS teachers: )

Access and Digital Divide

Clearinghouses for Print and Online Research

Emerging Technologies

Evaluating Programs and Practices

Leadership and Technology

Student Learning

Teacher Practice and Professional Development

Virtual Schools

Visual Media


2) Project Presentation – Here you will orally present your completed project to the

class using a PowerPoint presentation. Each presentation should be 10 – 15 minutes in duration. Solid preparation, good organization, and effective visuals will make this an easy job.

3) Submit the paper to in a well-know conferences (you may coauthor with another person or faculty to accomplish this)

4) Seminar discussion. Throughout the semester, we will read and discuss a variety of literature on IT research applications and methods. The readings will expose you to various approaches and types of questions that IT can answer. This knowledge will help

guide you through the diversity of decisions you will make to complete your research


5) Article Critiques. One article will be assigned every week. Using a template I provide, you will turn in a short report on each paper’s 1) objectives, 2) basic methods, 3)

major contribution, and 4) possibilities for future research or improvements. Solid

preparation here will foster insightful discussions.1)  Three article critique and analysis


3) Online Discussion: ISTE Standards, Topic Selection, Developing a Research Question, Copyright issues, Selecting a methodology

Grade Distribution:


Article Critique  - 20 %

Paper – 40 %

Submission proof – 10%

Class Activities – 20 %

Paper presentation in Classroom – 10 %


6.5. Grading Criteria:

A+       Exemplary graduate work

A         Very good graduate work

A-        Very good graduate work with some minor areas for improvement

B+       Satisfactory graduate work with one or two important weakness identified

B         Satisfactory graduate work with a few important weaknesses identified

B-        Barely meets the criteria sufficient for graduate work quality

C         Major shortcomings in work quality

F          Unacceptable